July 6, 2008

28 things you always wanted to know

  1. where do you shop the most: hyvee
  2. what kind of shampoo do you use: whatever i get free at walgreens
  3. what sport do you dislike the most: the fantasy kind
  4. what are you most scared of: spiders, snakes and mice
  5. favorite restaurant: kathy’s pasta in bolivar
  6. favorite fast food: white castle
  7. favorite tv show: past – the cosby show; current – the office
  8. rolling stones or beatles: duh…beatles
  9. best bed sheets as a child: they are white with a map of the hundred acre woods on them…and i had to save up and buy them with my own money!
  10. who is your loudest friend: this girl named kim
  11. what movie have you seen the most: back to the beach
  12. what foods do you dislike: sushi and other things that don't taste good
  13. what is your favorite chip flavor: ummm…popcorn
  14. favorite sandwich: the cheapest one on the menu [sad, but true]
  15. what characteristics do you dislike: not considering how your actions affect others
  16. favorite item of clothing: currently my new life ranch flip flops
  17. if you could go anywhere on vacation, where would you go: to hawaii with kim
  18. favorite sport to watch: the olympics and march madness
  19. how do you release anger: i usually don’t, i just fume silently
  20. do you untie your shoes when you take them off: they aren’t tied to begin with
  21. if you were another person, would you be friends with you: of course...we would have so much in common!
  22. what is your least favorite thing about yourself: i don't know if it's the absolute least favorite, but i don't like it when i get uptight about stupid things
  23. what is the worst injury you’ve ever had: getting kicked in the leg by a horse
  24. what are your favorite smells: coconut and sunscreen [which means i especially love coconut scented sunscreen]
  25. what is your favorite kitchen appliance: it's not really an appliance, but my favorite kitchen utensil is my stove-top popcorn popper
  26. if you could have a super power, what would it be: well, this really isn't a super power, but when i was a kid i wished there were magical scissors that would make things real when you cut them out of catalogs
  27. what is in the trunk of your car: my awesome chair with a footrest, sleeping bag, pool raft, jumper cables and a frisbee
  28. when you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up: i used to want to go to clown college [yes, it's a real thing] and be in the circus


Joy said...

where do you shop the most: price chopper

what kind of shampoo do you use: i honestly can't remember right now

what sport do you dislike the most: soccer

what are you most scared of: ending up alone in my old age

favorite restaurant: pete miller's in evanston, il

favorite fast food: white castle
favorite tv show: survivor

rolling stones or beatles: beatles

best bed sheets as a child: flannel ones that were white and had blue and white sheep on them, except every few sheep there was an all blue sheep.

who is your loudest friend: sara

what movie have you seen the most: italian job or the great escape

what foods do you dislike: pickles, chinese

what is your favorite chip flavor: any type of sun chip

favorite sandwich: homemade BLT's

what characteristics do you dislike: arrogant

favorite item of clothing: my linen khaki pants

if you could go anywhere on vacation, where would you go: to ireland with my mom

favorite sport to watch: football, then swimming, then the olympics, then basketball

how do you release anger: yell outloud to myself (if i'm by myself), if i'm in public, i just hold it in.

do you untie your shoes when you take them off: no, nor when i put them on

if you were another person, would you be friends with you: yes!

what is your least favorite thing about yourself: sometimes i'm too shy and not as outgoing as i probably should be.

what is the worst injury you’ve ever had: spraining my ankle jumping down my basement stairs on a snow day in 2nd grade

what are your favorite smells: rain, lasagna baking

what is your favorite kitchen appliance: microwave

if you could have a super power, what would it be: invisibility

what is in the trunk of your car: jumper cables, extra wind shield washer fluid, and a really old road atlas

when you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up: an astronaut

the broomes said...


neubiewaters said...

Shelly, I am curious about #23...I remember that you were chomped in the butt by a dog. The horse incident is still worse? Was bone breakage involved with the horse deal, or the dog didn't sink his teeth in as far as I am imagining? Was there blood?

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