October 25, 2023

life with jack and archie

i am keenly aware that we have less than a year before jack starts kindergarten and have been doing my best to enjoy the time we have together. it often feels like the days are slipping past quickly, but i'm so grateful to get to spend every one of them with jack and archie. they are funny and fun, and i love going on adventures with them. 

jack is learning a lot and loves finding rhyming words and making patterns, along with his well earned title of puzzle savant. he has quite the theatrical side that often makes us laugh. he also loooves getting to play with other kids. in the spirit of seizing the pre-k day we took a couple trips to visit the broomies and the taltons and he was in heaven having other big kids to run around with.

archie got to take his first flight for one of those trips and while he was a bit of a wiggle worm, he was a great little traveler. he continues to get lots of comments from strangers about his bright eyes and just generally how cute he is [and of course we agree]. he has started protesting when we drop him off in the nursery at lakeland [i haven't made it through a whole service in a number of weeks], but i'm know this too shall pass. he is standing on his own and sooo close to walking. he can be generous with his smiles, but you have to work for his belly laugh [it's definitely worth it].

we are doing well, but there is much in life around us that is hard. we are doing our best to take what comes with each day. caring for our people and working through hard things together. and remembering to enjoy what we have today.

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