February 20, 2025

jack is six

jack is six

these are ten of the things we love about you: 

1. you love tickle snuggles and request them often 

2. the way you pay attention to the world around you and notice beautiful things 

3. how well you play with and care for archie 

4. you love eating a big bowl of raisin bran for breakfast and drinking the milk after 

5. the enthusiastic way you pretend to be a dinosaur [with a significant amount of roaring involved] 

6. how you always hide and try to scare dad when he comes home from work in the mornings 

7. you decided to do the memory verses at school and have done a great job with them 

8. you still find your way into our bed in the middle of the night to snuggle up with us 

9. the animated dance moves you break into when a good song comes on 

10. you are genuinely enjoyable and fun to be around 

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