March 28, 2011

mission accomplished

i did it! i worked everyday as a full time teacher for almost three whole months. yes, that does include ten snow days, as well as a week of spring break and a week off for the cruise...but who's counting? i'm still proud.

i really, really liked it. if i were making a pros and cons list there would be a whole bunch of pros and only a few itty bitty cons. i haven't discovered a new life calling or anything...i'm not on a quest to become a real teacher, but i'd love to be able to do something like this again. unfortunately, because of budget issues, it's very unlikely that this program will exist next year so we shall see.

in order to end the class on a strong note and solidify my position as my student's favorite teacher [i may be putting words into their mouths], i created a super awesome, amazing power point based review game for our last day together. the game is titled "who wants to win candy" and is formatted after "who wants to be a millionaire", complete with authentic sound effects. it was a hit, if i do say so myself.


Jenn Beyer Talton said...

nice work, shelly!!!! I'm very impressed!!! I did OK on the quiz! :)

Anonymous said...

Impressive!!! Very impressive.

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